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How to change your TikTok username

Changing your TikTok username is simple enough. Here are the step-by-step directions to follow if you're looking to update your handle.

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Image via Hello I'm Nik / Unsplash

TikTok is a great place to watch and share video clips with the rest of the world, and all it takes to start is a download of the app. You’ll then be asked to choose a username, which is what people using the app will see when they view your content.

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You can have pretty much any username you’d like that isn’t already in use, meaning you can tailor it to the kind of content you plan on posting on your page or simply what you want other users to know you by. This can raise issues, though, especially if one day you find yourself wanting to change a username you’ve already chosen.

It’s not uncommon for TikTok users to grow tired of their current usernames or want to change them for privacy reasons. Furthermore, perhaps over time you’ve transitioned to creating different styles of content and are looking to freshen up your branding going forward. Fortunately, you can change your name extremely easily with just a few simple steps.

How to change your TikTok username

Image via Pixabay

Here’s what you’ll need to do if you want to change your username on TikTok.

  • First, head to the TikTok app and open your profile page. You can find this in the bottom right of the main screen.
  • Once there, press “Edit Profile” to open up a bunch of further options to customize your page.
  • From there, select the Username option and type in whatever name you desire for your TikTok account.
  • It will then tell you if the name you’re after is available or not. If it is, then press “Save” in the top right corner and you’re done! If it’s not, you’ll need to play with variations on the name until you find one that’s available.

Keep in mind that you can only change your username once every 30 days. If you’d like to change the name visible at the top of your profile, then simply follow the same steps above but select Name instead of Username.

Be sure to check back here for all the latest TikTok news, tips, and tricks!