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Who is Marvel’s Jake Lockley and is he in ‘Moon Knight?’

The latest episode of 'Moon Knight' teases a popular character from the source material, but who are they, and have they already appeared?

Moon Knight
Image via Disney Plus

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Moon Knight episode three. Please proceed with caution if you have yet to watch the episode.

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Disney Plus’ Moon Knight has introduced two alternate identities of its titular superhero so far — the meek Steven Grant and the badass Marc Spector who is under Khonshu, the Egyptian god of Moon’s thumb as he saved his life. While Marc and Steven were already having a hard time striking a balance between their warring personalities, the recently released third episode of the series has thrown in another mysterious alter ego the two are totally unaware of. 

In case you are yet to watch the series, here is the last warning that this article will contain spoilers for Moon Knight episode three.

In the episode, we see Marc on Arthur Harrow’s tail in Egypt, as the latter is using the scarab he finally secured in the last episode to find Ammit’s tomb. But all he knows is that he is in the country, with no clue about his exact location and whether he has already found the tomb. He tries tracking someone who would have shared information about the same, but before Marc can get to him, Harrow’s goons murder him. 

Left with no choice, Marc faces off against the three and is dead set on getting his answers from them. But at the last moment, a reflection of Steven intervenes and takes control. While what happens next is not shown, it isn’t hard to guess that the scared Steven probably apologized and ran away before the flabbergasted thugs could respond. 

Marc once again finds himself in control and discovers that he is in a taxi, on the way to the airport. Steven probably hailed the first taxi he could find and decided to fly the coop. Marc finds the thugs again and pursues them, only to lose control once again when they overpower him. 

Say hello to personality number 3

Moon Knight
Disney Plus

When he wakes up, he finds that he has stabbed two of the goons to death. As he was not the one in power and blacked out, he presumes that the harried Steven probably killed the men in his defense, but the latter (in the reflection) is shocked that Marc could even think that he would kill someone in cold blood. So, what’s happening here? 

While Marc is ruthless when it comes to getting answers and doesn’t hesitate to break a bone or two, he draws a line at killing without reason. In this scenario, he couldn’t possibly kill the only clues he had to find Harrow. On the other hand, just considering that Steven, who is scared to death even by the slightest noise, is a killer is a laughable idea. 

This leaves only one possible answer — there is another alter ego at play here, and if we were to turn to the Marvel comic books for inspiration, the name that comes up is Jake Lockley. 

Who is Jake Lockley in the Marvel comic books?

Moon Knight in Marvel comics
Marvel Comics

In the comic books, Marc Spector is the original personality who has four more alter egos — billionaire businessman Steven Grant, a young girl named Inner Child, the suave Mr. Knight, and of course, the subject of our query here, cab driver Jake Lockley who works undercover. In the comics, Lockley is a tough and resilient alter ego of Marc who develops a network of spies and informants in the criminal underworld to keep track of his enemies. 

But apparently, just like Steven Grant and Mr. Knight are nothing like their comic book counterparts, the MCU isn’t going for a faithful adaptation of Jake Lockley either. For the brief time period where neither Steven nor Marc was in control, a third personality was at the helm, possibly Lockley, unless Marvel is shooting to deliver a completely new alter ego from scratch. Given the fact that he ruthlessly killed the two men, it is obvious that his violence quotient trumps even that of Moon Knight. 

There is another interesting possibility that would turn the story of Moon Knight on its head and make the plot more enticing than it already is. Seeing that this third alter ego killed the men from whom Marc could have extracted information about Harrow, is it possible that Jake Lockley is working for the cult leader? While that is a mind-boggling possibility, it is the Marvel Cinematic Universe we are talking about, where anything and everything is possible. 

Moon Knight airs weekly on Wednesdays on Disney Plus.