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5 TV Characters That Are Just As Badass As Breaking Bad’s Walter White

Can we all take a moment of silence for Walter White? I would say that it is fitting for all the entertainment and amazement that the character brought into our lives, weekly. Truth is, now that Breaking Bad is over, there is a bit of a void, and I think we can all feel it. Nothing about that show felt like a show. It felt like an hour long weekly movie and after a while, it was hard not to feel a connection with those characters.

[h2]Al Swearengen from Deadwood[/h2]


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You guys know I dig me some Ian McShane. I just think that the guy is the shit. He can go from imposing to funny, but mostly hovers in the imposing sector. You guys also know that I am a bit of a Deadwood groupie, because I bring the show up all the time, even though it was short lived and canceled, but really, is there any word you would use to describe this character and theis show OTHER THAN badass?

First of all, as morally wrong as it is to be a pimp, pimps are kind of badass. It takes a rather large set of balls to have a woman sell her ass to other men for YOUR gain. Not saying I would be a pimp, but I am saying, in the context of TV, it is badass. I also find his coarse language and rather imposing glance to be badass. He has made it very clear through acts of violence that he is not one to EVER be crossed, and at its heart, that defines badass.

I know some may want to slap me for bringing this show up when it is in the past tense, but guess what? All that means is that you can watch all of it, at your own leisure. Off the air doesn’t mean “no longer exists.” It simply means you can enjoy it at your own pace. Want to watch it in a week? You can? Want to stretch it out? Well, you sort of can’t, because there isn’t much show to stretch out, but still, you can’t ask me to write a list about badasses on TV, and NOT bring up Al Swearengen. I also LOVE that the word “swear” is in his name, and fuck is every third word out of his mouth. The irony in that is not lost on me.

But do you want to know the REAL reason I am bringing Al Swearengen up? Because, believe it or not, this was a REAL DUDE! Yes, though some aspects of him may have been glamorized for TV, Al Swearengen was very much a real, breathing man, and rumor is, Ian McShane does the man justice in his portrayal.

So not only is Al Sweraengen a badass that deserves accolades along side Walter White, the real kicker is that Swearengen actually existed.

Man, I just blew my own mind, AGAIN.