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True Blood Review: “Gone, Gone, Gone” (Season 5, Episode 10)

After last week's semi-climactic end of the Obama gang, True Blood has been steadily gearing up for World War 3 between fangers and humans. Now that Terry's story has ended and Alcide's has fizzled out, there's plenty of time to enjoy watching vampires take over the world, one dead human at a time. With only two episodes left, Gone, Gone, Gone proves that there is still a lot at stake (pun intended) for all of our favorite characters.

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After last week’s semi-climactic end of the Obama gang, True Blood has been steadily gearing up for World War 3 between fangers and humans. Now that Terry’s story has ended and Alcide’s has fizzled out, there’s plenty of time to enjoy watching vampires take over the world, one dead human at a time. With only two episodes left, Gone, Gone, Gone proves that there is still a lot at stake (pun intended) for all of our favorite characters.

The Authority is still prattling on about Lilith and her grace, eventually managing to turn Eric, the staunch nonbeliever of the group. Of course, whether or not he’s actually converted is up in the air, but I’d put my money on this turn being a last ditch effort at faking his way onto the winning team. All of the Tru Blood factories have been destroyed, causing a spike in human deaths at the hands of vampires, which is exactly what the Authority has hoped for.

Parallels between modern religions and the views of the Authority have been evident throughout the whole season, and although not always subtle, were at least clever. At this point, all pretense has been dropped, as there are simply too many lines that seem like they should be aimed at religious leaders rather than vampires. Not that this is a bad thing, as it’s always great to hear what the entertainment world has to say on a subject, but it’s safe to say that any subtly left has been drained and thrown in a ditch.

The Reverend Steve Newlin, when not trying to woo the world as a sympathetic vampire ambassador, is busy taking care of Emma, his new pet, which draws the attention of Luna and Sam. The pair have finally made their way to the Authority’s lair, but it won’t be as easy to escape with Emma in tow. Is anybody else praying that Martha will appear and make an epic last stand against the vampers?

Hoyt, who has survived his time with the Obamas, pleads with Jessica to glamour him, hoping to forget her, Jason and the rest of the pain that Bon Temps has caused him. This scene was probably the most heartbreaking thing I’ve seen from the series and the repercussions are felt immediately.

Both Jason and Jessica are left feeling alone without Hoyt, and although it’s sad to see them this way, I think this was the most satisfying end to Hoyt’s story we could have asked for. These characters, although not always the most intriguing or sympathetic, stole this episode and their heartfelt goodbyes will be hard to get out of my head.

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