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Treme Season Finale Review: “Tipitina” (Season 3, Episode 10)

Last week I mused that Treme had far too many plot points too far from any kind of resolution for them to be wrapped up in this single episode. I worried that this episode would skip out on any kind of closure and instead just deliver another stellar episode that advances a plot that never could have delivered any conceivable conclusion. We are following lives, after all. What is the conclusion of a life? It's the main problem with following a loving a show as all-encompassing as Treme, but also one of it's chief pleasures. Luckily, this season finale does provide us with some very real forms of resolution, if not complete closure, while also energizing us for the final season of the show, which will be coming next year.

Or maybe not. Let this go down as the episode that finally finds Toni and Terry together. Terry is getting more and more flak from his office, up to and including an attempt at framing in the form of some drugs left in the trunk of his patrol car. In this midst of this maelstrom, however, he and Toni end up together, two fools in the name of good finally finding one another. This leads to a hilariously awkward scene wherein Terry wakes up in his boxers to get a drink, only to find Sofia standing in the foyer, freshly arrived from college. The moment lingers long enough to become painfully comic, with great beats from each actor. When Sofia goes into her room to unpack and starts smiling, it’s a perfect reflection of how we feel about the union.

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LP’s article makes waves, the FBI decides to push forward with Toni’s new witness, and it seems as though justice might finally be served. Unfortunately for Ladonna, the justice system is imperfect. The jury comes back deadlocked on her rape trial, and the judge is forced to declare a mistrial, which leaves Ladonna ruing her situation and her bar. “Burnt me out for nothing…” she says, barely able to comprehend it.

There are so many good lines and good moments in this episode, as there are with all of them. My recaps routinely push the 1,500 word mark, and each time I find myself wishing I had more space, more time, more energy and more memory to soak in and transpose all the details that make this one of the best shows on TV. I encourage you all to go back, revisit each episode, soak in every song and ever moment and then come back here and let me know where I fell flat to help me out for when I come back next season.

Until then, let’s all take a page out of Albert’s book. Time is moving forward, he’s still got his chemo to keep up with, and yet at the forefront of his mind isn’t all that had passed, or all that has happened. Nope, he nestles in and picks up his bead work, sowing the seeds for his own future, and future he is still very much in control of.

So let’s go out with the song that gives this episode it’s name, and let’s all get psyched for what is to come next season.