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Mitchel Broussard’s Top 10 Most Memorable TV Moments From 2015

Small moments make up the best TV. You're more likely to remember a particular show for some indelible line of dialogue or a random scene that feels inconsequential in the moment but lasts beyond season finales and cancellations than something more obvious. They're the quotable, rewind-worthy, text-your-friends-immediately moments that are the reasons hashtags are born and Twitter riots begin.

8) Crazy Ex-Girlfriend – Ass Blood

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GF best moments

All it took was one “Sexy Getting Ready Song,” and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend had won me over. The pilot paints an appropriately quirky depiction of one slightly fractured woman’s cross-country quest to be with the man she loves, because they dated in high school for a few weeks, and he barely remembers her. What could have been crass exploitation and blatant sexism is a maelstrom of twenty-first century millennial irony and I-don’t-care-what-you-think feminism. But I’ve already discussed why Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is one of the best things on TV, so let’s talk about ass blood.

As Rebecca (Rachel Bloom) belts out the titular song, centering on getting ready for an impending date with total-babe Josh, she stands inside of a beautiful, spotless bathroom along with a coterie of beautiful women all beautifully made-up.

Okay, not so true: in reality, she’s standing in her own crappy southern-California bathroom, plucking eyebrows, shaving her legs, and bending over to place a wax strip on her nether-regions. The ass blood flies, her wax strip comes back with questionably brown-and-red liquids, and an inevitable rap cameo careens to a halt when its singer remarks on Rachel’s “nasty-ass patriarchal bullshit” of a women’s hygiene regimen.

CW, you are officially forgiven for that title.