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The Top 10 Episodes Of Arrow So Far

It wouldn’t be 100 per cent accurate to put the credit (or the blame) for the impressive slate of superhero shows on our TVs on Arrow, but the success of the CW’s adaptation of the Emerald Archer probably has something to do with the fact that during the 2015/16 season there will be over a dozen comic book inspired series across the television dial.

6) “Heir To The Demon” – February 5, 2014

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This is the episode in which we meet Nyssa, daughter of Ra’s al Ghul and, as the title says, Heir to the Demon. The introduction of Nyssa to the world of Arrow opened the door to the future appearance of Ra’s, which at the time sounded like a really awesome idea, but this episode affirmed that the coming of the League of Assassins was going to be something really cool even though we now know it turned out very differently.

So that didn’t pan out, but what the episode did offer was some compelling insight into what Sara’s time between the island and her Starling City return entailed, including a love affair with Nyssa, who, as played by Katrina Law (another Spartacus alum on Arrow), showed both tremendous strength and vulnerability.

Smartly though, the episode doesn’t get lost in the Easter egg fun of having the League around, and instead focuses on the drama of the Lance family as Laurel continues her spiral into drunken depression, and Quentin struggles with being the only one in his family to know that Sara is still alive. Sara’s struggles with finding a place where she belongs, unwilling to go back to the League and unsure if she can find a place back home, makes her even more endearing, and in the end, her officially signing on to Team Arrow is very well earned.