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Titans’ Season Finale Introduces Two Super DC Characters

Now that Titans' season finale has officially dropped, it's fair to assume that most folks will be left reeling after seeing Dick Grayson butting heads with Batman. The showdown may have turned out to take place in a fantasy world created by Trigon, sure, but the mere fact that anything like this is happening in live action is downright awesome.

Now that Titans‘ season finale has officially dropped, it’s fair to assume that most folks will be left reeling after seeing Dick Grayson butting heads with Batman. The showdown may have turned out to take place in a fantasy world created by Trigon, sure, but the mere fact that anything like this is happening in live action is downright awesome.

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Believe it or not though, the producers had one last ace up their sleeve near the conclusion of the episode, so it’s highly recommended that you stay after the credits. I say that because two beloved DC characters are teased for season 2 in a shocking way.

Long story short, we’re transported to Metropolis, where a naked young man channels his inner T-800. But instead of demanding someone turn over their clothes, boots and motorcycle, he lays waste to those working at a laboratory which we assume to be Cadmus. Not only that, but a closeup of his shoulder reveals a tattoo of a familiar S-shield.

This, of course, is Superboy.

If that weren’t enough, he frees a very handsome dog from its own lockup and – get this – its eyes light up red. Needless to say, it won’t take fans long to figure out this pooch is, in fact, Krypto. Incorporating this four-legged hero into such a gritty and mature series is quite the risk, but I think the producers will be able to pull it off well.

Should you require a brief and accessible primer for Superboy and his origins, you’d be well advised to go back and check out some of Young Justice‘s earliest episodes. In fact, it’s doubly recommended that you do so in order to prepare for that show’s return on January 4th.

Titans‘ second season reportedly begins filming in February, so we’ll hopefully have some more news to bring you on this front before long. As always, keep watching this space.