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‘Tiger King’ star Masha Diduk facing grand larceny charges after candelabra theft

Another Tiger King star faces a lengthy stretch behind bars as she's charged with grand larceny felony charges after hotel theft.

Tiger King

Tiger King is a drama hurricane and everyone who gets sucked into it ends up in legal trouble one way or another. The latest is Jeff Lowe’s part-time nanny and professional model Masha Diduk, who has been arrested for stealing a candelabra worth $5,000 from a Las Vegas casino.

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TMZ broke the story, having obtained a police report saying the incident took place at the Wynn hotel last July. Having noticed the ornament was missing, staff reviewed surveillance tapes that apparently show Diduk swiping the candelabra from a private dining room before waltzing out the front door wearing it like an accessory.

Security matched the name on her valet ticket to the license plate and – after some sniffing about on social media – identified Diduk as their suspect. She’s now been arrested and is facing a charge of grand larceny.

If the value of the candelabra is accurate, Diduk faces category C felony charges, which in Nevada means a sentence of 1-5 years in Nevada State Prison, restitution payments, and a fine of up to $10,000. This seems to be a fairly common crime in Vegas, with the law specifically tailored to those “stealing furniture from a hotel room”.

If convicted, Diduk will likely be swapping her designer modeling gear for a prison one-piece and become just another Tiger King star that’s ended up behind bars.

More on this as we hear it.