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This Moving Lego Water Bending Scene Is Leaving Avatar Fans In Awe

This mechanical marvel of Lego bending action is truly awe-inspiring.

It’s pretty hard to find someone who doesn’t like legos and it’s just as hard to find people who don’t enjoy Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was a major hit when it returned to Netflix during the COVID-19 pandemic and when Legend of Korra joined it a whole new wave of fans for the franchise were born.

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Now with the live-action action remake on the way, it looks like one Avatar fan took it to a whole new level. Zoot Suit Productions worked to create a mechanic moving lego scene that shows a water bender in action. In fact, they also showed how the build was made and works as well. You can see the video below!

Of course, it was a major hit with other fans who saw it. Many were left in awe of the impressive lego building skills on display.

byu/ZOODUDE100 from discussion
byu/ZOODUDE100 from discussion
byu/ZOODUDE100 from discussion

However, those fans found on Reddit missed out Zoot Suit Production’s full video that shows fire, wind, water, and air bending all in one place! Any Avatar: The Last Airbender fans that want to see the full level of their brilliance can view it below.