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Pete Davidson finally makes his ‘The Kardashians’ debut in a new season 2 teaser

'Life is good,' Kardashian voiceovers in the clip. 'I have a new boyfriend, I'm just having a really good time. '

It’s been less than a month since The Kardashians wrapped up its first season on Hulu, but because there’s never a shortage of drama when it comes to the famous family, another season is already just around the corner.

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On Monday, Hulu released a minute-and-a-half long teaser for season 2 of The Kardashians, which features storylines literally ripped from recent headlines so you can enjoy them again several months later! Leftovers are always better the next day, aren’t they?

At any rate, the second season looks like it will delve into Kourtney Kardashian’s wedding to Travis Barker, the Blac Chyna defamation trial, Kris Jenner’s recent health scare, the birth of Kylie Jenner’s second child, and yes — Kim Kardashian’s relationship with Pete Davidson.

“Life is good,” Kardashian voiceovers in the clip. “I have a new boyfriend, I’m just having a really good time.

And unlike the first season, in which Davidson didn’t really appear, it looks like that will change going forward as the former Saturday Night Live star makes his big debut at the end of the clip. “Babe, do you want to shower with me really quick?” asks Kim, to which Davidson responds by enthusiastically tossing away his phone and pack of cigarettes to go rushing off after her.

And they say chivalry is dead!

Whether or not Davidson would appear on The Kardashians has been the subject of a lot of debate. In a recent chat with Deadline last month, executive producer Danielle King insinuated that it was up to Davidson as far as to what capacity he would appear on the show.

“I have never once seen; Kim never tried to persuade Pete,” said King. “It’s always up to the significant other or the peripheral person that they’re dealing with. If they want to join in on the fun, more power to them; we’re happy to cover that.”

“Pete’s a high profile person, he’s an actor; like Kim has said before; when the cameras are rolling for him, it means performance time,” she continued. “When the cameras are rolling for this family, it’s time to get real. It’s a different muscle that they worked and he worked.”

“Whether we have in-depth story lines, that’s entirely up to him … that’s entirely a conversation between Kim and Pete,” King added.

We won’t have to wait long to find out. Season 2 of The Kardashians premieres on Sept. 22 on Hulu.