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The Internet’s Conflicted Over Latest Season Of Big Mouth

People seem to absolutely adore or completely hate season 5 which premiered today.

If there’s an adult animated series that has been more divisive on Netflix than Big Mouth we’d like to hear about it. The show has faced allegations of being animated child pornography to misrepresenting LGBTQ+ people.

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However, with the latest season dropping on Netflix today, it’s brought out a ton of people across the internet — both fans and haters alike — to discuss the latest season. As the show itself has an astonishingly high 100% rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes for season 4, it would seem likely that the latest season would be well received, right?

That doesn’t seem to be the case for everyone.


However, don’t let those negative reviews fool you. Big Mouth still has tons of fans that are massively excited to see the show’s latest season. Many are already planning to binge-watch the show or have even already started.

One loyal viewer even made fan-art for the show!

It seems that Big Mouth is one of those shows that is a “love it or hate it” when it comes to viewers. If you want to decide for yourself if the show is right for you, all five seasons of it are available to stream now on Netflix.