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‘The Book of Boba Fett’ fans aren’t happy with episode 6’s cliffhanger

'Star Wars' fans have some strong feelings about the cliffhanger of the latest episode of 'The Book of Boba Fett.'

book of boba fett fennec and boba fett outside still
Lucasfilm Ltd.

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett episode 6

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The Book of Boba Fett just released what is easily one of the most fan-pleasing slices of Disney-era Star Wars we’ve ever had. Managing to top last week’s backdoor set-up for The Mandalorian season three, “Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger” was positively packed with cameos from iconic characters as the one and only Grogu was reintroduced.

Sure enough, a lot of fans’ prayers were answered as we got to see the adorable Yoda baby trained in the ways of the Force by Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill, de-aged via truly breathtaking visuals effects). But while Luke and Grogu’s master/student bond — a brilliant inversion of the relationship Luke shared with Yoda — was a delight to see, the episode ended on a more sour note that fans are not so pleased with.

After Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) came to see his kid but was turned away, Luke presented Grogu with a choice. If he accepted the gift Djarin had left for him, a Beskar chainmail shirt, he could return to his bounty hunter dad and forego the life of a Jedi. But if he accepted Luke’s gift of Yoda’s lightsaber, he could become a great Jedi at the cost of potentially never seeing Djarin again.

The tough choice immediately got the meme treatment on Twitter.


Alternatively, the cliffhanger has garnered a lot of criticism from those who feel Luke’s ultimatum was out of character.


The folks on Reddit, meanwhile, share the frustration with Luke’s characterization in this episode as it seems to conflict with the lessons he learned in Return of the Jedi.

byu/titleproblems from discussion
byu/titleproblems from discussion

Luke Skywalker… what a dick.

byu/titleproblems from discussion
byu/titleproblems from discussion

It’s so out of character that some are wondering if Grogu’s choice is actually a fakeout of some kind.

byu/titleproblems from discussion

The Book of Boba Fett continues with its season (or series; Disney has yet to confirm a second outing) finale next Wednesday on Disney Plus.