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Star Trek Stars Pay Tribute To Deep Space Nine’s Rene Auberjonois

Heartbreak swept through the Star Trek community last night as we learned that Rene Auberjonois had passed away at the age of 79 after suffering from lung cancer. The actor is best remembered to fans of the franchise for his performance as Odo on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Thanks to his place in the Trek world, he was a well-loved part of the family and his fellow stars poured onto social media last night to honor and pay tribute to their late friend. 

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Heartbreak swept through the Star Trek community last night as we learned that Rene Auberjonois had passed away at the age of 79 after suffering from lung cancer. The actor is best remembered to fans of the franchise for his performance as Odo on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and thanks to his place in the Trek world, he was a well-loved part of the family and his fellow stars poured onto social media last night to honor and pay tribute to their late friend.

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First of all, William Shatner may not have played Captain Kirk opposite Auberjonois’ Odo but the pair were still firm friends off-camera and The Original Series legend took to Twitter to say he would always cherish the “wonderful friendship” they shared.

Shatner’s fellow TOS star George “Sulu” Takei spoke about the man behind the character that Trek fans know. “When I look out to the stars, I shall think of you, friend,” said the actor about Auberjonois.

Armin Shimerman – who played Ferengi barkeeper Quark, Odo’s nemesis – worked with Auberjoinois closely on DS9 for years and he recalled the moving last message he received from his old co-star.

Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Beverly Crusher, Gates McFadden, directed her tweet firmly at the late Auberjonois, calling him a “spectacular artist” and “loving… human being.”


DS9 writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe penned an extended tribute to Auberjonois, recalling how the actor once joked that he hoped Odo would become his most famous role after his death. Wolfe reminded us that the star had a varied career, which included his role in comedy series Benson and many instances of voice acting, notably in Disney’s The Little Mermaid. 

Let’s give Jonathan Frakes, TNG‘s William Riker, the last word, as he shared a touching image of himself with Auberjonois in happier times. “I always looked up to him and I will continue to,” Frakes wrote.

Rest in peace, Rene. The Star Trek universe will miss you.