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Share the spotlight, Thrawn: These villains need to make a cameo on ‘Ahsoka’

Let's face it, what we really want it to watch Ahsoka whoop butts during some epic lightsaber battles.

Rosario Dawson Ahsoka Tano lightsabers copy
Image via Lucasfilm

There are few recent Star Wars characters that have managed to capture fan adoration like Ahsoka Tano. When she made her debut appearance all the way back in 2009, plenty of fans were unwilling to accept the bratty, untrained, and unwanted apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, but over the many seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels she grew to be one of the most beloved and iconic characters the series has ever had. It comes as no surprise for those of us who’ve sunk in the approximately 60 hours of screen time she’s had over the last decade. And boy, has that lengthy tenure nabbed her some of the best baddies in the Star Wars universe, many of whom fans would love to see make an appearance during Ahsoka.

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Vader/ Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars
Image via Disney/Lucasfilm

This one is a given. Anakin Skywalker shaped Ahsoka into the Jedi she became. Through hours of rigorous training that seemed cruel and unusual to many of her stand-in mentors, and reckless stunts on the battlefield during the Clone Wars, Akakin forged Ahsoka into a powerful warrior skilled with both the blade and strategy. Her final moments with her master were bittersweet knowing he would soon succumb to the Dark Side, but not nearly so memorable as her final conflict with Darth Vader during Star Wars: Rebels. Vader may has soundly trounced Ahsoka during their first meeting, killing her outright until Ezra Bridger was able to resurrect her in the World Between Worlds, but we’d like to think its because the revelation of who Darth Vader truly was threw her off balance. It’s unlikely that fans will see a rematch between the two, but this is one match up fans are dying to see in live action.

Hondo Ohnaka

Screen grab Via Star Wars: The Clone Wars/ Disney Plus

There really isn’t much explanation necessary for the infamous Hondo Onaka. The pirate ran circles around the Jedi for much of the Clone Wars, outsmarting or outplaying Ahsoka and her mentors alike. Rebels might have seen Onaka a little older, pudgier, and a bit greyer, but that doesn’t mean the outlaw is any less wily than before. Sure, his allegiance can shift daily, and he’s just as likely to help an ally as he is to abandon them, but hey, there really is something charming about the old rascal. Hondo would be about a decade older than he appeared in Rebels by the time Ahsoka’s storyline picks up, but who doesn’t want to see an octogenarian pirate sassing his way through space?

Asajj Ventress

Asajj Ventress - Star Wars: Clone Wars
Image via Lucasfilm

Asajj Ventress may have put her Sith ways behind her by the end of the Clone Wars, but that doesn’t mean she’s on the up-and-up. After spending the better part of her life as a wanna-be Sith apprentice, Ventress left the service of Count Dooku with murder in her heart and revenge on her lips. A series of unsuccessful attempts on the Count’s life may have left Ventress without a home and her family stuck as vengeful force ghosts, but she managed to escape inorder to pursue a life as a bounty hunter. Ahsoka owes her an apology after blaming her for Bariss Offee’s crimes, and their last interaction in The Clone Wars made it seem like Ventress was ready to put the past behind her and maybe even attempt a friendship. And lets be honest with ourselves, Dathomarians are one of the sexiest alien species out there, and no, I will not be taking comments.

The Inquisitorious/Marrok

Screen grab via Youtube

Ahsoka has taken down a number of formidable Inquisitors over the years, and while only have conformation about one Inquisitor, there is no doubt that a fight between Ahsoka and any number of the force wielding menaces would leave fans glowing. Throughout the Darth Vader comic run, Ahsoka fought and defeated two inquisitors that we know of, and even a flashback of those conflicts would be enough to satiate fans. Trailers have already shown a mysterious new inquisitor known as Marrok, so we know there will be at least one drag out lightsaber fight in the series.

Bariss Offee

Bariss Offee via Star wars: The Clone Wars/ Disney Plus

There were few moments as jaw dropping as Ahsoka’s expulsion from the Jedi order, and the massive conspiracy that made it possible. At the heart of the drama was none other than Ahsoka’s long time friend and fellow Padawan, Bariss Offee. Offee was disenfranchised with the Jedi order and felt that the unrest felt in the galaxy was due to the formerly peaceful warriors hand in the Clone Wars. While Offee was correct in thinking that something was amiss, she placed the blame on the Jedi, and allowed her fear and anger to push her down the path to the Dark Side. Offee ultimately killed several of her fellow Jedi, multiple clone troopers, and even civilians as she tried to turn the public against the Jedi. She was ultimately successful, and her efforts made it so civilians rooted for the Jedi’s destruction.

The last time fans saw Offee she was being dragged away from a senate hearing for her crimes, but her aptitude in the force has led many viewers to believe that Bariss may return as one of the Inquisitorious during Ahsoka.