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Sam Woolf’s Top 10 TV Shows Of 2015

Hannibal, Transparent, Justified, and others get a tip of the hat from TV critic Sam Woolf as he counts down the top 10 TV shows of 2015.

2) Mad Men

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Mad Men

At the time, plenty of digital ink was spilled debating just how exactly we were meant to interpret the final image and ad of Mad Men. What’s followed in the months since the pioneering AMC drama ended is close to radio silence. The lack of dissection performed in the wake of Mad Men’s closing doesn’t mean it died in obscurity, though. In the seventh and final season of the series, Matthew Weiner gave Mad Men’s viewers something Don Draper could never find for himself: contentment.


The last seven episodes of the show that we got in 2015 brought closure to almost all of Mad Men’s great characters, sad though it was to say goodbye to them. It’s no small feat that a show this unwieldy and sprawling somehow managed to end as cathartically as it did. With its final season, Mad Men ensured that many would soon feel nostalgia for not just certain characters or glory years, but that little corner of our lives Sterling Cooper occupied from 2007 to 2015. Mad Men isn’t just a series anymore; it’s its own time machine.