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5 Reasons That Everyone Should Be Watching Masters Of Sex

Showtime has not quite achieved the respective reputations of relative rising star AMC and seasoned veteran HBO just yet; it has delivered a number of terrifically promising original series, but its brand has been stained ever so slightly by its tendency to produce shows long after their presumed expiration dates. The most recent example of this is Dexter, a series that served as Showtime’s flagship until it overstayed its welcome with audiences and concluded in a very poorly received fashion. Other shows, like Californication—and some seem to think Homeland may be on this route—continue on after their relevancy has arguably peaked.

Masters of Sex

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Showtime has not quite achieved the respective reputations of relative rising star AMC and seasoned veteran HBO just yet; it has delivered a number of terrifically promising original series, but its brand has been stained ever so slightly by its tendency to produce shows long after their presumed expiration dates. The most recent example of this is Dexter, a series that served as Showtime’s flagship until it overstayed its welcome with audiences and concluded in a very poorly received fashion. Other shows, like Californication—and some seem to think Homeland may be on this route—continue on after their relevancy has arguably peaked.

The channel premiered the intriguing Ray Donovan back in June, but it was met with lukewarm reviews. It almost seemed as though Showtime was losing its place in the cable pantheon. Then came Masters of Sex, based on the real life research partners William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who initiated some of the most daring and groundbreaking research ever conducted on the subject of human sexuality. And this was back in the 1950s, post-Kinsey but pre-full on sexual revolution. Taboos abound, but the show takes on relationships, including but not at all limited to that between Dr. Masters and Ms. Johnson, with incredible precision and insight. Creator Michelle Ashford, Emmy-nominated writer and producer of such HBO gems as John Adams and The Pacific, has developed one of finest new shows to debut in some time, and it has come firing out of the gate.

With that, here are 5 reasons that Masters of Sex ought to be watched by everyone.

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