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9 Reasons To Give Watching Downton Abbey A Chance Despite Everything

By now, especially after the recently aired finale on PBS, most people probably have some awareness of Downton Abbey. Chances are you saw a title of an article on Twitter or somewhere on the internet about some dumb British period drama called "Downtown Abbey." Then maybe you quickly forgot about its existence. Then perhaps you noticed the show receiving a bunch of awards from various groups and thought hey, that's that show I heard about, oh but it's Downton, not Downtown. And then perhaps you started to hear tons of people talking about it, from people you know personally, to Colin Quinn and Jerry Seinfeld on Seinfeld's web show. And all of a sudden you were like "Why is everyone crazy about this stupid show?"

[h2]8) The show’s worst character is at least a source of hope for us all[/h2]

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I don’t know anyone who cares much for Bates, the Eeyore of Downton Abbey. He’s a sad sack, self-flagellating martyr who’s always moping about one thing or another. And yet somehow he nabs this young blond lady’s maid? Who seems legitimately cool and charming and full of life and enthusiasm and affection? I can accept a little exaggeration in my melodrama, but I don’t know. Still, in an atmosphere fraught with unrequited love, be it poor Daisy’s crush on every boy, or Thomas’ unwelcome advances on straight dudes, or Lady Edith being Lady Edith, I guess it’s nice to see some residents of Downton getting some. And if Bates can land Anna, maybe anything’s possible.

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