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9 Reasons To Give Watching Downton Abbey A Chance Despite Everything

By now, especially after the recently aired finale on PBS, most people probably have some awareness of Downton Abbey. Chances are you saw a title of an article on Twitter or somewhere on the internet about some dumb British period drama called "Downtown Abbey." Then maybe you quickly forgot about its existence. Then perhaps you noticed the show receiving a bunch of awards from various groups and thought hey, that's that show I heard about, oh but it's Downton, not Downtown. And then perhaps you started to hear tons of people talking about it, from people you know personally, to Colin Quinn and Jerry Seinfeld on Seinfeld's web show. And all of a sudden you were like "Why is everyone crazy about this stupid show?"

[h2]3) Lady Sybil is a babe[/h2]

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Alright, if an appeal to well-rounded and realistically depicted characters isn’t your bag, then try this one out: if nothing else, watch the show for the hotness that is Lady Sybil. The youngest of the three Crawley sisters, she’s naturally the most rebellious, a quality typically conducive to extreme hotness. While her elder siblings, Mary and Edith, are constantly fighting, Sybil is a quiet peacemaker, bridging the tension between the two competing factions, and doing so with forcefulness and grace.

She loves her family but ultimately doesn’t give a damn what they think when it comes to what she decides to do with her life. She’s liberal minded (hot) and a vocal supporter of women’s suffrage (way hot). She isn’t afraid to upend her family’s traditional tendencies, and demonstrates this by wearing pants (yowza). Oh, and she bangs the family’s hired driver. Don’t even try to tell her what to do. Jessica Brown Findlay plays her most admirably, recasting all those false caricatures of feminism as angry and scornful into a soft but firm voice saying “I’m sorry you feel that way, but I’m going to do what I decide is best.” Like I said: babe.

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