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Ranking Ted Mosby’s Girlfriends On How I Met Your Mother

With How I Met Your Mother finishing its penultimate season, the glaring question the show is built around will soon be answered. Fans have anxiously awaited the reveal of who Ted's wife is for the last 8 years as the character has dated a wide array of girls, from the awesome to the completely ridiculous.

20. Naomi

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It’s pretty depressing that Ted waited years to meet this girl and it ended up that nothing between them was right, but when things are as uncomfortable as they were, it doesn’t matter how much the person was built up. It’s likely that Ted built her up too much as well, which is going to hurt when they finally meet again and he’s set standards that no woman can match.

19. Jen

Ted dating a girl who’s in love with her cats was never going to work, but at least she was cool enough for them to enjoy another first date together and figure out all the things that went wrong. Many women would’ve walked away as soon as they remembered they had been on that date before. The tips she gave Ted for future romances were spot-on, so she’s cool if only for that reason. But as Ted says, he needs someone who doesn’t just tolerate his quirks, but loves them.

18. Abby


Yes, Ted was only dating her to get at Stella, but there really wasn’t any glaring problem with Abby when Ted was with her. She ended up going crazy after Barney screwed her over, but most girls would probably go crazy after dealing with Barney. Had Ted not been so blinded by his infatuation with Stella he may have actually dated Abby for a little while longer. Plus, it isn’t like his relationship with Abby could’ve turned out any worse than Stella did.

17. Holli


I know Ted’s “texty text” never actually reached Holli, and all the hot things she texted him about were actually Barney and Marshall, but she was a very cute girl. Plus, she did end up actually going on a date with Ted, but that was where it went downhill as she did everything that Ted does too soon. Then again, her name did end in an “i”…

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