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Every Hero Has A Code: Ranking The Characters Of HBO’s Westworld

Pretty much every aspect of HBO's latest smash hit, Westworld, has impressed critics and audiences alike. The visuals are terrific, the writing is some of the smartest on TV right now and it's got lots of Game of Thrones-esque gratuitous nudity and violence to help keep the viewing figures up.

13) Felix And Sylvester

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These two bickering host surgeons were never going to be any match for scheming Maeve and her knack for wrapping people around her little finger.

Sylvester attempts to antagonize her and gets his throat slit for his troubles. The much more likeable Felix, on the hand, just can’t seem to say no to her. Perhaps that’s because he’s more interested in the programming of the hosts rather than just being a butcher, or because he feels something for her, which is why he goes along with Maeve’s every wish – even when he’s putting his job (and possibly life) on the line.

12) Charlotte Hale


Soon to be Thor: Ragnarok star Tessa Thompson turned up about halfway through the first season as the head of the Delos Corporation, looking to kick Ford out of his own park. She’s a sassy, sexy character, but she’s another one who’s mostly just there to further the main character’s plotlines.

In this case, her scheming brings Theresa into the firing line and causes Ford to tighten his control on the park. Thomspon’s charismatic in the part and enjoyable to watch, but there’s a lot of potential with Charlotte that’s so far un-mined.