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Every Hero Has A Code: Ranking The Characters Of HBO’s Westworld

Pretty much every aspect of HBO's latest smash hit, Westworld, has impressed critics and audiences alike. The visuals are terrific, the writing is some of the smartest on TV right now and it's got lots of Game of Thrones-esque gratuitous nudity and violence to help keep the viewing figures up.

2) Bernard Lowe

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Bernard is another character whose hidden layers are unveiled as the first season goes on. At first, he seems to be a committed senior staffer who’s torn between his loyalty to Ford and his feeling that all is not well in the park.

Later on, however, we discover that he’s in fact a host himself – a copy of Ford’s deceased co-founder Arnold Weber (notice the anagram). It’s a revelation that turns the series on its head and leads to some of Westworld‘s best material.

Before and after the reveal, Jeffrey Wright’s understated yet soulful performance makes Bernard one of the most compelling characters on the show, and despite the events of last week’s episode, we really hope he’ll return for season two.