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Every Hero Has A Code: Ranking The Characters Of HBO’s Westworld

Pretty much every aspect of HBO's latest smash hit, Westworld, has impressed critics and audiences alike. The visuals are terrific, the writing is some of the smartest on TV right now and it's got lots of Game of Thrones-esque gratuitous nudity and violence to help keep the viewing figures up.

3) Robert Ford

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Anthony Hopkins is obviously one hell of an actor, but it has to be said that he’s been coasting for quite a while – it’s nice to see him in theĀ ThorĀ movies, for example, but it’s hardly a taxing role. In Robert Ford, the creator of the Westworld park, however, Hopkins has found one of his meatiest parts in years.

As slowly unveiled throughout the series, Ford is someone with a massive god complex. In Westworld, he creates and controls all – and he would sooner kill his opponents rather than relinquish that power. Yet Ford is not an out-and-out villain. In his own way, he cares deeply about the hosts and has even constructed a replica of himself as a boy in a bid to reclaim some lost innocence.