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Pretty Little Liars Review: “March Of Crimes” (Season 5, Episode 9)

Pretty Little Liars is exploring a different tactic on this week's episode, "March of Crimes." Instead of perpetuating this false sense of unity between the Liars and Alison (Sasha Pieterse), they are moving her character further into isolation. Ali's attempt to move the attention away from the holes in her kidnapping story by upping the urgency has backfired. And now, everyone who she has called an ally is looking for a little insurance for when things undoubtedly go sour in the future.



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There’s been some cross over between the Liars and Team Anti-Alison on this episode of Pretty Little Liars. Sydney (Chloe Bridges), who we already knew was a suspicious character, has admitted something we already suspected – she’s into Emily (Shay Mitchell). But, this begs the question, how much damage did she do in the meantime? She’s been in cahoots with Jenna (Tammin Sursok), ergo Mona (Janel Parrish), since she arrived in Rosewood at the behest of Jenna.

It’s always shocking to me how easily these teenage characters seem to be able to come and go, and completely relocate, all willy-nilly like. You may remember that Shana (AeriĆ©l Miranda) previously moved from Georgia to Pennsylvania at Ali’s request. Yet, if you focus less on the semantics, the show is an overall better viewing experience, since it often seems like the writers don’t always concern themselves with them.

What really stood out to me about this episode was how Hanna’s (Ashley Benson) state of mind became a focal point. Hanna is my favorite character on the show. Not that they aren’t all complicated, but there’s something about her perplexities that make her stand out. The way she’s been dealing with Ali’s return has also been the most realistic when it comes to teens spiraling out of control. And, to top off her emotional baggage, she’s dealing with being hit on by her best friend’s future step-father. Granted we now know that A played a role in how far that went, but he did make a move before A got involved. Even though it’s a plot point that could have been left out, it was a catalyst for a new-found level of understanding between Hanna and Aria, as well as her and Caleb (Tyler Blackburn).

Tell us, were you surprised to see Caleb physically confront Zack? What do you think Sydney’s admission means for her relationship with Emily? Will Ali finally be caught in her web of lies now that A is making a power play? Let us know all your Pretty Little Liars theories in the comment section below!