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Pretty Little Liars Review: “Bring Down The Hoe” (Season 4, Episode 11)

Pretty Little Liars usually prefers to play it coy, so we must be headed toward a pretty epic mid-season finale if they're giving us this much information all at once to prep us for what's coming up next.

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars

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It’s still a little fuzzy whether or not Red Coat and ‘A’ are actually one and the same, but as of now we definitely know that Cece is behind at least one of these personas.

If Emily (Shay Mitchell) was right about her theory that Wilden (Bryce Johnson) and Cece were once an item, then that makes Cece the perfect candidate for Ashley Marin’s (Laura Leighton) replacement in the hot seat. The Liars might have thought they had figured out who killed Aly (Sasha Peiterse) – and it might still turn out that it was Wilden – but if she really was the one that broke things off for Cece, they might need to revise their list of potential motives.

The entire Aly/Cece history has gotten to be a bit confusing. According to Cece, the two of them used to be besties. They were inseparable during their summer in Cape Mae, and everything we’ve gotten from Mrs. D points to them being friends way before that. Enter Cece’s obstinate former roommate. She claims that not only did Cece have an ax to grind with Aly, but against the Liars as well. If Cece hated Aly that much, why would she spend so much time with her?  Did she know that if she convinced Aly to push Wilden’s buttons, he would push back? Was this all an elaborate plan to get Aly out of the way for good?

Whatever is behind Cece’s urge for revenge must be pretty substantial if she’s willing to sleep in a crawl space and (potentially) kill someone to get it.

With Caleb’s exit looming, it makes sense that they would bring in a new love interest for Hannah (Ashley Benson). It just happens to be her luck that he would come bearing the one thing she wants most in the world – her mother to be free of ‘A’ and a murder charge.

A material witness placing Ashley’s exit from the crime scene before the shots that killed Wilden were fired would be her golden ticket out of a possible lifetime in prison. It also couldn’t hurt his chances with Hannah once Caleb is out of the picture. A knight in shining armor is always an appealing option.

Pretty Little Liars has stacked the deck and there’s only one more episode to go. Who do you think will come out on top when ‘A’ strikes next? Let us know in the comment section below!

Until next episode!