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Pretty Little Liars Review: “Gamma Zeta Die” (Season 4, Episode 5)

Television shows are rarely without their imperfections, but tonight's episode of Pretty Little Liars seemed to have more than its fair share. As much as it pains me to say, for an established and highly-rated teen drama, Gamma Zeta Die was more of an hour-long faux pas than it was must watch television.

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars

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It would have been considerably less obvious if she hadn’t had randomly locked her never locked closet. Also, it only took Hannah about five seconds to find the bag containing the gun which was conveniently located right on top. It only takes Hannah about another five seconds before we see first hand the expression ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ explode in front of our faces in a vivid display of colors. Given her experience with being set up, you’d think that she would have grasped the simple concept of not touching evidence ergo leaving fingerprints – but that would be a giant no.

Not only does she touch the gun that she is convinced is the weapon that shot and killed a police officer several times before leaving home, but she takes it with her to a sorority shindig. It only gets worse for her from there on out. While at said soiree, she decided that the best plan of action is to go out into the woods, alone, and bury it. I’ll admit that the idea of her father not being involved so he doesn’t have to lie to the authorities almost seems like the basis for rational thought. Except, every episode of Pretty Little Liars thus far has taught us differently.

The best results always seem to come when the Liars are thinking logically and strategically (on the offensive), as opposed to making a passion play. Hannah made a passion play, and now ‘A’ is playing her. Somehow ‘A’ knows and sees everything, no matter who’s playing the role of ‘A’ this week. How many times have the Liars tried to get rid of evidence before? I believe ‘A’ made her point that this is a bad idea very clear when she rolled a waterlogged police cruiser right out of a lake and into the middle of the town square – and just for fun, went back and stuck a dead body in it.

Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) was of course visibly absent from this episode. He was off on a camping expedition doing the bonding thing with his father. If him missing a day of school here and there, or taking a long weekend for a family event, was an isolated incident, I don’t think I would have thought twice about it. Lately, Caleb has been missing from the halls of Rosewood High quite a bit. We know that he will be jumping ship mid-season and heading to Ravenswood for the Pretty Little Liars spin-off, but why not let us have our last few months of Caleb and Hannah (Ashley Benson) before the inevitable break-up?

We’ve gotten a taste of what it’s like for Hannah without Caleb around, but what’s going to happen when he leaves for good? It’s no secret that Hannah has found herself smack dab in the middle of a crisis of epic proportions. Not only is her mother a prime suspect in the murder of Detective Wilden (Bryce Johnson), but Hannah has literally been caught holding the gun – or a gun, which may or may not be the actually murder weapon. Either way, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have a permit for it.

Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Emily (Shay Mitchell) are at each others throats, Hannah is headed for the slammer, and Aria is practically packing her mother’s bags she’s so desperate to get her out of dodge. The Liars are starting to unravel and that’s usually when ‘A’ is at her best – or worst, depending on how you like to look at it. What do you think ‘A’ has up her sleeve for the Liars next?

I have to say that even though this episode was a definite thumbs down for me, there was a scene in it that ranks among my favorite Pretty Little Liars moments of all time. When Spencer approached the techno geek to find out about the mystery phone number, she ended the conversation with a Game of Thrones reference. It was brilliant and went like this:

Spencer: A Lannister always pays his debts.

Nerd: You would like the Lannisters.

Spencer: I could give you the entire Targaryen speech from the end of season one, but I will not waste my breath.

This episode of Pretty Little Liars may have been a major bummer in my book, but you might disagree. Let us know in the comment section below either way with what you thought were the fatal flaws or saving graces!

Until next episode.