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Netflix Announces Premiere Date For 13 Reasons Why Season 4

Netflix have announced the premiere date for the fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why, the teen mystery drama about the suicide of high schooler Hannah Baker. The last run of episodes will be released on June 5th. Accompanying the announcement came a sentimental behind-the-scenes retrospective, which you can watch above.

13 Reasons Why

Netflix have announced the premiere date for the fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why, their popular teen mystery drama about the suicide of high schooler Hannah Baker. The last run of episodes will be released on June 5th, meaning there’s just under a month to go now before it arrives. Not only that, but accompanying the announcement was a sentimental behind-the-scenes retrospective video, which you can check out up above.

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Sentimental was my way of being polite in an opening paragraph devoted to facts, not opinions. A more accurate word would actually be nauseating. Forgive me, but the kind of saccharine indie-windie-teeny-weeny lead-in they’re running for this season has moved me to do everything in my power not to watch it. But I’m not all people, and going by the YouTube comments on the video, it’s resonated with Netflix’s target audience just fine, it seems.

13 Reasons Why

Without wishing to poopoo the hype for the upcoming run, a cursory browse of its critical reaction finds that seasons 2 and 3 received starkly negative reviews, which is uncommon for an A-list Netflix show. Off the top of my head, the final season of House of Cards is the only high-profile sniffy reception I can remember in recent years. If you’ve stuck with the series through all the bad press though, I trust you’ll be satisfied that another batch of episodes is so close to release.

But tell us, are you a fan of 13 Reasons Why? No, this isn’t a hostile environment, far from it. There’s room in this world for both sides. So, if you happen to enjoy the show, be sure to leave a comment down below with your hopes for the upcoming season.