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Patrick Stewart Teases Startling Events In Star Trek: Picard Season 2

Almost two months ago, the first season of Star Trek: Picard came to a close, thankfully arriving before the coronavirus pandemic caused any disruption. Patrick Stewart’s long-awaited return to the role drew generally positive reviews, and a second season has already been commissioned. Though all members of cast and crew are currently cooped up indoors as a result of lockdowns, planning for that second season is already underway.

Star Trek: Picard

Almost two months ago, the first season of Star Trek: Picard came to a close, thankfully arriving before the coronavirus pandemic caused any disruption. Patrick Stewart’s long-awaited return to the role drew generally positive reviews, and a second season has already been commissioned. Though all members of cast and crew are currently cooped up indoors as a result of lockdowns, planning for that next season is already underway.

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In a new interview with Gold Derby (coming as part of CBS’ Emmy push), Stewart spoke at length about what’s in store for Picard’s sophomore outing, saying:

It is [coming together], yeah. Because of how we are living currently, there is no writers’ room, of course. But everybody is writing and they are keeping me in touch with what is going on. We have video conferences.

There are startling events predicted in season two. I am so excited about them, because it is taking season one on from where we were. We are not going to be covering the same ground. It is going to be extraordinary. I am very excited about it. Of course, I can’t go into detail at all. I have a long conference planned for [today] where I hope for certain aspects of how season two will develop, and I’m looking forward to it very much.

Stewart also voiced his enthusiasm for more returning cast members from The Next Generation, stating:

In meetings when we talked about bringing in members of the Next Generation crew, that was one of the things I was most passionate about, which was not only should Picard have changed during the 18 years that had passed, but the same has to be applied to Counselor Troi, to Commander Riker, to whoever it is. And by the way, I am very hopeful we will see more of The Next Generation crew before we say goodbye to Picard. And that is just what they did, and there is no better example than the episode “Nepenthe”.

I could listen to him talk all day, but in the interests of time, I’ll paraphrase his thoughts on the lockdown, with the actor saying how much he’s missing going out to dinner (a lot) and how keen he is to get back on set with a crew he greatly admires (a lot). Unfortunately, with no end to the stay-at-home orders in sight – stay alert notwithstanding – it could be some time before set work is permitted, or going out to dinner for that matter. For now, home-readings of Shakespeare will have to make do.

Excited for Star Trek: Picard season 2? With these teases you ought to be. Unless like me you passed on watching it when you saw Alex Kurtzman was involved – even if it was in a largely executive capacity. You can never be too careful. Anyway, enough about the bad vibes stalking the writer of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Startling events, returning characters, what’s not to be buzzed about? Production might get delayed due to the pandemic? Enough with the negative energy.