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How I Met Your Mother Review: “The Poker Game” (Season 9, Episode 5)

Looking at the number of episodes left in How I Met Your Mother's 9th season, it's beginning to seem like a overly-daunting, never-ending list. In case there's any question, that is not a good thing. We're supposed to want TV shows to carry on forever, always craving just one more episode featuring the characters we love.

The Poker Game

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On the other hand, I am not a fan of the Barney and Robin plot. There was far too much conflict in it over nothing. Why Robin and Barney’s family are suddenly at each other’s throats is never really explained. It all comes out of nowhere and escalates far too quickly. There needed to be quite a bit more there for the whole situation to make sense. As it is, it felt out of place for the entire episode. That being said, nothing felt as out of place as the ending.

It certainly isn’t a funny ending to the episode like we’re used to with those shorter scenes. In fact, it is far darker than this show usually goes. That’s a vicious use of the B-word by Robin, and it definitely caught me off guard. I’m not a fan of how it played out, and if it’s Robin vs. Barney’s mom for the rest of the season, that will have to be done almost perfectly to work well.

On the whole, the weakness of Barney and Robin’s plot makes for another mediocre episode. Thankfully, the other characters were quite funny, otherwise this one would’ve probably been the worst of the season so far. As it stands, it’s simply middling, which really isn’t good enough.

How I Met Your Mother is going to have to do something better than this and soon, because a few more weeks of merely decent episodes delivered with this set-up is going to make for a long, long season.

Other Random Notes

  • I love listening to Marshall’s odes to food. My mouth was watering just hearing that. Can’t believe he got his wedding vows off the internet.
  • Marshall having a partially shaved head in the wedding gift scene was a very nice touch.
  • Ted makes some great origami poker jokes.
  • The Slutty Pumpkin is back! Briefly, but still a great appearance.
  • There is no way that pizza doesn’t make Marshall sick. Diarrhea on the way.
  • “Lick it before you stick it.” “Wrap it before you tap it.” I need more gift-giving catch phrases.

Be sure to check back next week for a review on the next episode of How I Met Your Mother.