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How I Met Your Mother Review: “The Final Page Parts 1 & 2” (Season 8, Episodes 11 & 12)

The first thing I'll say about The Final Page is How I Met Your Mother has finally made a step away from simply treading water and back into some action that propels the show along. For most of season 8 we've had to suffer through poorly written episodes that have provided little in the way of plot development and sparse moments of humor that were hardly satisfying enough to keep fans of the show happy.

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Robin gets to the roof, which is beautifully decorated with rose petals and mistletoe, and finds a page from Barney’s playbook titled “The Robin.” Check out the play below.

  • Step 1: Admit to yourself you still have feelings for this girl.
  • Step 2: Choose the completely wrong moment to make a drunken move after hanging out at a strip club. And get shot down on purpose.
  • Step 3: Agree that you two don’t work, locking the door on any future you could have together, which will drive Robin nuts.
  • Step 4: Robin goes nuts.
  • Step 5: Find the person who annoys Robin most in the world and ask for her help. Explain everything to Patrice and hope she agrees to help.
  • Step 6: Check with your doctor about possible broken ribs.
  • Step 7: Pretend to be dating Patrice.
  • Step 8: Wait until Robin inevitably breaks into your place to find The Playbook and show it to Patrice, which you’ll monitor via the hidden cameras you have in your apartment.
  • Step 9: After Patrice finds The Playbook, have your first big fight.
  • Step 10: Prove your loyalty to Patrice by burning The Playbook. And actually burn it. You don’t need it anymore.
  • Step 11: Because your friends have no boundaries, they’ll inevitably have an intervention for Robin, which you’ll monitor via the hidden cameras you have in Marshall and Lily’s apartment.
  • Step 12: Tell only Ted about your plan to propose to Patrice.
  • Step 13: Wait and see if Ted tells Robin, and if he does, it means your best bro in the world has let go of Robin and has given you his blessing.
  • Step 14: Robin arrives at her favorite spot in the city and finds the secret final page of The Playbook, the last play you’ll ever run.
  • Step 15: Robin realizes she’s standing underneath mistletoe.
  • Step 16: Hope she says yes.
Robin at first says she can’t trust Barney after he’s lied to her so much, but when he shows her step 16 on the back, and gets down on one knee to propose, she gives a teary yes.

I’ll say this, with full knowledge that it will likely be greeted with a stream of furious comments, intricate does not always equal good. Yes, Barney’s proposal was meticulously planned all the way down to actions he couldn’t possibly control forming a grand scheme that should have been the most romantic proposal ever. Right? Wrong.

If Barney really had to lie and manipulate Robin in the ways he did, just to get her to agree to marry him, something is off. Actually it’s been obvious something is off for the entire time they’ve know each other considering how messed up their relationship has been. It’s always something to cheer for when two messed up kids are messed up enough for each other that they find a way to work things out, but Robin and Barney simply aren’t good for each other any more.

Also, if Barney had planned everything so precisely, he would not have planned to propose on the night of the GNB building opening. Not only did his best friend design it, but Barney was the head of the new building committee and works for GNB. He would not have missed that opening for anything other than an emergency. His proposal would’ve worked just as well the night before or the night after, so why he didn’t do it on another night I have no idea.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Just because Robin and Barney have a wedding does not mean they get married. Obviously something is going to go wrong during the wedding, or else why would Ted be sitting alone at a train station feeling the need to tell the story to some random lady. I’m going to predict on the more extreme side and say the wedding falls through.

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