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Marvel invites you to unravel the conspiracy with password-protected ‘Secret Invasion’ website

What a highly-interactive way to engage the fans for a show that's about to be released soon.

Secret Invasion
Photo via Marvel

Marvel has just about tapped the depth of fan interaction with a new game that had them rushing to figure out the answer to one very important question. Of course, there were clues along the way but they had to piece together the password to a newly created Secret Invasion website for what reason? Only the wittiest online detectives know.

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It took several comic book fans back to last year when promotion of The Batman included the Rataalada website that they had to first crack to log in where they were treated to riddles, and then clues that took the entire experience to a whole new level. At one point though, the City of Gotham Police Department seized the domain but the fact that it’s still up gives the ultimate online sleuths hope that there will be more someday. Just for your information, El Rata Alada is grammatically incorrect Spanish for “rat with wings” according to Newsweek.

As far as The Invasion Has Begun is concerned, curious individuals will only find a black screen with “Enter Password” appearing in green and a space to type the answer. Of course, the most genius of Marvel followers were on it immediately. The clues that were being dropped were pieces of a much larger picture and no amount of guesses was going to work. These guys had to use the noodles they had been given and put it all together bit by bit.

Geek Vibes Nation was very accommodating every step of the way as each hint was being posted.

When the first hint hit, the challenge was accepted and the race was afoot.

Then another hint dropped, and the greatest of minds figured out what it meant.

In a reference to the Rat with Wings, game recognizes game.

While some fans were simply asking for the password, others were hard at work playing the game the way it was intended.

The whole picture has been posted by now and it’s fun to piece together for those people who love to figure out brain teasers.

Having figured out the password and been inside, the reward is well worth the journey. However, don’t expect spoilers here because it’s more fun to do the work and receive the prize without assistance.