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The Leftovers Review: “B.J. And The A.C.” (Season 1, Episode 4)

As soon as the snow arrived in Mapleton a few episodes back, I had a sneaking suspicion that The Leftovers was heading for a Damon Lindelof Christmas Special, and just the concept of that made me laugh a little. This week's installment, titled "B.J. And The A.C." (presumably just because "Baby Jesus And The Antichrist" wouldn't have flown, even on HBO), is that episode, but not how you might think. Sure, it's set around the holidays, but this episode of The Leftovers is ruthlessly cutting in its treatment of the holiday spirit and of religion as a whole.

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Back in Mapleton, Kevin nearly runs over a dog but apparently isn’t feeling in much of a trigger-happy mood. He continues home to find Laurie and Meg there. In their living room, Meg tells Kevin that Laurie wants a divorce, reading Laurie’s statement, which contains phrases like, “Maybe I’m meant to stay broken.” He’s furious. “You don’t talk to me for six months, and then you give me this?” He asks. “No, I’m your husband, we made fucking vows, you want this over then you fucking say it, Laurie.” Jill only hears that last part, tosses a Christmas present Laurie’s way then runs upstairs. Laurie and Meg leave without Kevin’s signature or her breaking her vow of silence.

In the street, it turns out that Jill has had her mother on her mind a lot. The gift is a lighter inscribed with “Don’t Forget Me.” Though Meg urges Laurie to keep it, against GR policy, Laurie promptly drops it down a gutter. Later that night, though, Laurie returns to try to fish it out, and we leave her with her fingers almost managing to touch it but not quite.

Inside, after Laurie leaves, Kevin talks to Jill and tells her, “It’s complicated.” Her blunt reply: “Let me know when it gets simple.” As they talk, Jill’s friends leave the B.J. (or a replacement, that’s unclear) on the Garveys’ doorstep. So, at the dance, when Kevin gets up to talk, he smiles a little as he holds up the doll. In one of the episode’s most darkly humorous moments, though, nobody cares, and he just looks like a fool who needs to get his priorities straight. Goddamn it Jill, we bet he’s thinking as they stare at him.

Leaving, he spies Nora outside, leaning against lockers, still mulling over her brother Matt’s confirmation that her departed husband was cheating on her. Nora apparently feels comfortable enough with Kevin, whom she barely knows, to tell him about that. He admits, “I cheated on my wife.” She asks, “Why?” and he replies, “Is there a good answer to that question?” Smiling a little, she says, “I think I just heard it.” Sparks appear to be flying between the two, but then again, there was also a palpable connection between him and Meg back at the precinct before Meg embraced the GR. Maybe “hot cop” just has chemistry with everyone. It would certainly explain the creepy Kevin/Aimee dynamic.

However, duty calls, and Kevin soon leaves Nora to find that the GR are just outside of school property, baiting his officers. “Looks like they entered school property to me,” he says, “Our word against theirs, right?” However, it’s a distraction, and we see GR members around town enter their old homes to pry photographs out of their frames. For a group determined not to let the general populace forget about the Sudden Departure, it’s an unconventional strategy, to say the least. We don’t get to see the aftermath of it though – but rest assured, people are going to be pissed.

As “B.J. And The A.C.” wraps up, we see that Matt has already replaced the Baby Jesus before Kevin got to it. Driving home, Kevin looks at the original doll in the seat next to him, and realizes that it’s just a dull-eyed lump of plastic. Weirded out by the way it seems to be looking at him, he pulls over, tosses it unceremoniously out the window into the woods, then drives away. Merry Christmas indeed.