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Latest What If…? Episode Pays Tribute To Thor: Ragnarok In Subtle Homage

Taika Waititi would be proud!

Marvel’s multidimensional-hopping Disney Plus series What If…? is embracing some of the most beloved aspects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including the more humorous side to Chis Hemsworth’s Thor, as Looper has pointed out.

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The show reimagines a slightly remixed version of some of our favorite characters from the movies, such as T’Challa Star Lord, a Thanos-killing Gamora, Peggy Carter as Captain Carter, and Iron Man sporting Sakaarian armor. It focuses on alternative worlds where only one or two things may have been altered from the stories we know, but whose rippling consequences often result in something bizarre or tragic, like zombies invading the world and the Avengers being assassinated one-by-one.

When it comes to the show’s take on Thor, however, we get a character with a heavy dose of humor and lighted-heartedness with its Party Thor, who is a more immature version of its cinematic character. The character’s obsession with beer and recreation closely resembles a less depressing and less sedentary version of Fat Thor from Avengers: Endgame.

Aside from occasional fish-out-of-water type humor when the Norse god from space visits earth for the first time in the first Thor movie, the Shakespearian-like character noticeably lacked a funny bone in the first two installments of his films. With the third film in the series, Thor: Ragnarok, however, director Taika Waititi brought a refreshingly comedic take to the character.

That film, and the extra dimension to Thor’s character it brought, was paid loving tribute to in an easy-to-miss homage in the latest episode of What If…? Episode nine centers around The Watcher recruiting all of the greatest heroes he can muster to create a Guardians of the Multiverse in order to defeat the menacing Infinity Ultron.

In the episode, The Watcher grabs Party Thor off the street like a doll, leaving him screaming in fright until he comes to, only to realize he is standing perfectly safely in a room with the other heroes. The moment mimics exactly a similar gag in Thor: Ragnarok in which the Asgardian is strapped in a terrifying tunnel ride one moment, screaming, only to realize he is actually sitting comfortably in a static chair the next moment.

What was your favorite Easter Egg in the latest episode of What If…?