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John Barrowman Updates Us On His Neck Injury

Anyone who knows about John Barrowman's recent neck injury may be interested to hear about how he's doing. And thankfully, over on his Instagram page, the Doctor Who and Torchwood (also Arrow) actor has posted to let fans know that he's on the mend. Apparently, he's about to undergo a procedure on his neck and spine, but he seems in good health overall.

John Barrowman

Anyone who knows about John Barrowman‘s recent neck injury may be interested to hear about how he’s doing. And thankfully, over on his Instagram page, the Doctor Who and Torchwood (also Arrow) actor has posted to let fans know that he’s on the mend. Apparently, he’s about to undergo a procedure on his neck and spine, but he seems in good health overall.

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For anyone who doesn’t know, Barrowman was rushed to hospital recently after an incident meant he had to cancel his remaining appearances in the UK. He’s been touring with his Christmas show A Fabulous Christmas when he succumbed to the injury in Glasgow. The affliction left him unable to move or sing, which was cause for concern for the actor, who was sent for diagnosis immediately.

Fortunately, he seems to be doing okay now and the message he posted put everyone at ease, as he mentions his upcoming procedure and the fact that he was about to take some painkillers.

I had an MRI and they’ve found the root of the problem which is a C5/6 facet joint injury. Hopefully a series of intraspinal injections will reduce inflammation and get me back up & running again in time for Monday’s show in Manchester. Fortunately Glasgow was able to reschedule us to Tuesday night so I’m looking forward to that too! @scottmale #stevengill (my brother-in-law the #neuro surgeon #NotFeelingSoFabulous but a massive blessing to have you all out there sending your positive thoughts and messages. Thank you. However can’t sleep #worry @deccarecords @cuffeandtaylor jb

This all sounds quite scary (though we’re not sure what a C5/C6 joint injury refers to), but at least he seems to be doing okay now. He sounds a little groggy in the video he shared on his Instagram page, but that’s to be expected given what he’s gone through in the past several hours.

Fortunately, it sounds like John Barrowman may even be up and about come Monday and ready to continue touring the UK with his show. We’ll be sure to keep you posted on his progress, but in the meantime, feel free to send him some well wishes on social media, as many fans have been doing today.