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Jeffrey Dean Morgan Reacts To Walking Dead Fans Shipping Negan And Carol

An unlikely ship started sailing during The Walking Dead season 10. Negan was revealed to have been working for Carol all along when he killed Alpha and presented the villain's head to her as a trophy. This unlikely partnership between the pair got fans "shipping" the two characters, especially after a cute photo of Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Melissa McBride hugging on set was shared. But is this something that Morgan himself would like to see happen?


An unlikely ship started sailing during The Walking Dead season 10. Negan was revealed to have been working for Carol all along when he killed Alpha and presented the villain’s head to her as a trophy. This unlikely partnership between the pair got fans “shipping” the two characters, especially after a cute photo of Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Melissa McBride hugging on set was shared. But is this something that Morgan himself would like to see happen?

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The question was put to the actor while he was taking part in The Walking Dead Universe Family Hangout last week. Morgan said he isn’t personally wishing for this romance as he’s one of those fans that are hoping Daryl and Carol get together, but he does want to see Negan and Carol develop a friendship of some kind.

“I am one of the Carol-Daryl shippers, so I can’t say I’m gonna go for the Carol-Negan shipping,” Morgan admitted. “I think there would be a very interesting friendship, though, so I’m all for that.”

Norman Reedus also joined in with the virtual hangout and was asked what he thinks about fans shipping his character with either Carol or, more recently, Connie. Reedus joked that they should keep on going as so far it hasn’t brought Daryl any luck. “It’s not doing him any good, is it? Keep shipping away, because it’s not coming through on my end,” Reedus said.

He then went on to say that he doesn’t recommend Carol getting involved with Negan, given what tends to happen to women he’s close to – Lucille? Dead. Alpha? Dead.

“[The fans] do that. It’s funny, the whole shipping thing — you’re on the show for a while, and I don’t know if ‘shipping’ was a thing when we first started, but it came in full force,” Reedus added. “I don’t mind it, I think it’s fun. I wouldn’t ship anybody with Negan. Look what happens.”

We’ll have to wait and see what happens in the love lives of the survivors going forward into seasons 10c – those six extra episodes we’re getting next year – and 11. But first, The Walking Dead returns to AMC for its long-delayed finale, “A Certain Doom,” on Sunday, October 4th.