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James Gunn positively eviscerates ‘Peacemaker’ critic, and the people approve

The pros and cons of being Always Online are there for all to see.

james gunn john cena
Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images

As a filmmaker that’s spent the majority of the last decade working almost exclusively for the two biggest comic book companies on the planet, James Gunn‘s social media feeds are constantly being blown up with questions, speculation, rumor, hearsay, innuendo, scuttlebutt, whispers, murmurings, and plenty more besides.

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Thanks to his status as one of the most Twitter-happy filmmakers in the business, he’s also more than happy to log on and debunk far-fetched theories, shoot down unfounded casting news, and explain alleged inconsistencies in his output. However, polarizing insider Grace Randolph appears to have crossed the line, and she’s faced Gunn’s wrath as a result.

Anyone aware of Randolph and her work will know that she holds highly specific grudges that border on vendettas towards several high-profile talents, with Gunn ranking alongside Jessica Chastain, Margot Robbie, and Henry Cavill on her sh*t-list. As you can see below, though, the majority of Twitter users were praising the Guardians of the Galaxy architect for firing a return shot across the bows.


This isn’t the first time Gunn and Randolph have butted heads online, either, with the latter arguing that Bane was set to make a surprise appearance in Peacemaker, despite the creator, writer, director, and executive producer of the HBO Max series making it perfectly clear that wasn’t the case.

Everyone loves a little Twitter drama every now and again, especially when it involves someone as visible and well-known among the geek community as Gunn, so it’s no surprise it blew up overnight.