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Is Marvel Bringing Ghost Rider, Blade And Moon Knight To Netflix?

Given how successful Marvel has been with their shows on Netflix, and given how much they seem to be struggling on ABC, it's no surprise that the studio is interested in working with the latter company to adapt more properties to television.



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Given how successful Marvel has been with their shows on Netflix, and given how much they seem to be struggling on ABC, it’s no surprise that the studio is interested in working with the latter company to adapt more properties to television.

Of course, we’re currently in the midst of a build-up towards The Defenders, with a Luke Cage series about to hit Netflix and an Iron Fist show also in production. The two titular heroes will eventually join up with Daredevil and Jessica Jones to form the aforementioned superhero team. But what about other characters that are just biting at the bit for their own television outing?


Well, it seems as if Marvel is already looking past The Defenders, as Movie Creed Live reports that the studio is hoping to bring Blade, Ghost Rider and Moon Knight to Netflix. No further details were revealed, but from what we understand, Marvel is currently in the process of finding showrunners for each series.

We’ve already seen both Ghost Rider and Blade on the big screen, though given that the former was the subject of a disastrous film series, it will be nice to see him done justice finally. Moon Knight, meanwhile, is a character that fans have wanted to see in live action for a very long time now, and putting him in the dark and gritty world that the other Marvel heroes inhabit on Netflix is a wise move, one that should make for a pretty compelling series.

None of this has been confirmed by Marvel just yet, but it’s not the first time we’re hearing about it either, so hopefully it’ll become official very soon. Until we learn more, though, sound off in the comments section and let us know what you’d hope to see from a Blade, Moon Knight and Ghost Rider TV series.