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Is Galadriel the most powerful Elf in ‘Lord of the Rings?’

Who is the most powerful Elf in 'Lord of the Rings?'

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The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is filled with many fantastical races with supernatural strength. There are Wizards, Orcs, Dragons, Dwarves, Trolls, and Ents, but the Elves hold a special place in the hearts of many fans for their magic and wonder.

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One of the most legendary Elves is Galadriel, the Lady of Light, who will be the star of Amazon Prime’s live-action series, Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Galadriel was renowned for her beauty, intelligence, and magnificent power. She was the only daughter of Finarfin, the prince of Ñoldor and Eärwen, making her Elven royalty, and the niece of the greatest Elf of the First Age, Fëanor. There’s no doubt that Galadriel comes from a substantial lineage, but does that mean she’s the strongest of them all?

The history of the Elves and the most powerful Elves, explained

The Elder Children of Ilúvatar were created before the sun and the moon were in existence. Their creator was the deity Eru Ilúvatar and they were the oldest and most noble of the speaking races of Middle-Earth. They are private, showing very little concern for the lives of Hobbits or the other creatures unless they deemed it necessary. Elves are light of foot travelers, typically tall, and have keener senses than those of Men, but aren’t immune to political disputes and battles amongst themselves.

The Silmarillion confirms that Elves are closest in kin to the Ainur, the first beings made from Eru Ilúvatar’s thoughts, possess magical powers, and the gift of creating weaponry with magical attributes. Many mighty Elves have played important roles throughout the ages of Middle-Earth, but there can only be one who can take the crown.

Image via New Line Cinema

Luthien, The Elf-maiden of Doriath, is one of the most legendary Elves of all time. She was the daughter of Elu Thingol, the king of Doriath, and Queen Melian the Maia. She was the most gorgeous of all the Elves and her songs had the power to melt winter into spring. She didn’t fight in any great battles, but she did have the power to enchant Morgoth and defeated death itself by resurrecting as a mortal. It was said that her bloodline would never perish. Despite all of this, she’s probably only the third strongest Elf.

Elrond is most likely the second most powerful Elf. He is the half-Elven Lord of Rivendell and mighty among both Elves and Men from the First Age to the beginning of the Fourth Age. He was the great-grandson of Lúthien and when given the chance to be counted among Men or Elves in the Second Age, he chose the latter, remaining in Lindon as the herald of Gil-galad, the High King of the Ñoldor. Elrond could foresee events happening across Middle-Earth, he could heal terrible wounds, and he could summon floods. With his Ring of Power Vilya, he was able to keep Rivendell hidden from evil and maintained its glorious beauty. He’s proven to be a great warrior, having led an Elven army against Lord Sauron’s dark force. Still, these powers don’t quite make him number one.

Is Galadriel the most powerful Elf in Lord of the Rings?

Galadriel takes the top spot because of how extensive her powers are. She had the ability to heal, create, see into the hearts of Men, discern the future, and she was strengthened by the ring of power Nenya. After the War of the Ring, she brought down the walls of Dol Guldur, Sauron’s great fortress, and cleansed the Murkwood. When Frodo spoke with Galadriel, she told him that she can even read the Dark Lord’s mind. Said Galadriel, “I say to you, Frodo, that even as I speak to you, I perceive the Dark Lord and know his mind, or all of his mind that concerns the Elves. And he gropes ever to see me and my thought. But still the door is closed!”

It was said that if she had chosen evil instead of good, she would have been even stronger than Lord Sauron. She refuses the One Ring when Frodo offered it to her, and we learn what such power could’ve done to her. She would have been as beautiful and terrible as the morning and the night, and stronger than the foundations of the Earth. All would have loved her and been in despair, and she foresaw that she’d be revered as a god. Instead, she chose to go into the West and remain Galadriel, showing an even greater spirit than the pull of power.

There are plenty of Elves throughout Tolkien’s work with amazing abilities, but the fact of the matter is that none of them hold a candle to Galadriel, the Lady of Light.