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The Internet Couldn’t Stop Googling Maisie Williams’ Age Last Night During Game Of Thrones

Following Arya Stark's shocking sex scene last night on Game of Thrones, the internet kept Googling her age to find out how old she is.


Well, Game of Thrones has gone ahead and done it again. They’ve sent the internet into a complete meltdown thanks to the latest episode. Specifically, a scene involving a certain vertically challenged assassin.

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Fans had been speculating for a while now that there might be something brewing between Arya and Gendry. After all, there was some playful banter, and Gendry was more than willing to craft for her a special Dragonglass weapon. Turns out we were right about our suspicions, too, as Arya and Gendry did the deed last night and once again, the Twitterverse reacted accordingly.

It wasn’t only Twitter that saw an increase in Game of Thrones-related activity, though, as Google also saw a not so surprising search term spike during the episode. Seen in the gallery down below is a Google Trends chart showing a significant increase in searches for “Maisie Williams age,” which makes sense when you consider that the actress first joined the show when she was only 11 and we’ve been watching her grow up before our eyes over the years.

In a recent interview with EW, Williams explained why she decided to do the scene in the first place, saying that it helped humanize Arya.

“It was really interesting because it’s a very human relationship for Arya,” Williams said. “This is something she’s stayed away from, an emotion we’ve never really seen her engage with. [Showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff] were like, ‘It’s the end of the world, what else would you have her do?’ This may be a moment where Arya accepts death tomorrow, which she never does — ‘Not Today.’

So it was that moment where she says, ‘We’re probably going to die tomorrow, I want to know what this feels like before that happens.’ It’s interesting to see Arya be a bit more human, speak more normally about things people are scared of.”

Fair enough, and though Arya’s sex scene is currently the hottest topic amongst the Game of Thrones fanbase, you can be sure that it’ll die down pretty soon. After all, we’re quickly approaching the third outing of season 8 which is set to be a big one, as the Army of the Dead finally arrives in Winterfell. It looks to be an action-packed episode, too, which will undoubtedly spawn many more watercooler moments that we can’t wait to see.

But for now, all anyone can talk about is Maisie Williams’ big scene last night and as always, you can continue to share your thoughts on it with us in the comments section down below.