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Internet derides cancel culture in light of Louis C.K. scoring Grammy nomination

The internet is laughing up a storm at Louis C.K.'s Grammy nomination, but not because of any of his jokes.

What do Dave Chappelle, Kevin Hart, and Louis C.K. all have in common? They have all been “canceled” and have still received Grammy nominations this year. And as a result, the internet is laughing up a storm, but it has nothing to do with C.K.’s comedy.

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The disgraced comedian began to trend after he was nominated for a Grammy in the his Best Comedy Album category Tuesday. The internet was baffled at how, after his notorious masturbation-related scandal came to light back in 2017, the comedian could manage to make a comeback.

Many people derided the idea that cancel culture existed in a world where controversial comedians with bad histories can still get award nominations, leading one person on Twitter to observe, “For those monitoring the deep struggles of cancel culture, Dave Chappelle and Louis CK were both nominated for Grammys today.”

Another used a meme to express skepticism in light of the Grammy nomination.


Another person brought Louis C.K. into the conversation with Mel Gibson, who despite his own controversies in the spotlight, will be directing Lethal Weapon 5.

Others pointed out how cancel culture doesn’t seem to affect certain people, with one user going so far as to say, “If cancelling is a thing, it is basically powerless against white men and the wealthy.”


One user even said being canceled “is a myth” and that the concept is simply used by Fox News to “drive the culture war.”


While C.K. did release a statement after the incident in 2017, it doesn’t seem that many are ready to forgive his actions just yet. It will be interesting to see who wins in the Best Comedy Album category with so many comedians present that many across the world seem to hate for their views.

Do you think it was okay that Louis C.K. was nominated despite his checkered past? Sound off in the comments.