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Ex-Marvel TV Boss Spent $100,000 Fixing Medusa’s Wig In Inhumans

CBM is reporting that the outgoing Marvel TV Boss Jeph Loeb spent $100,000 on VFX in an attempt to fix Medusa's hair prior to the debut of Inhumans.


For all of its promise of otherworldly drama and sky-high production values, Marvel’s Inhumans was effectively dead on arrival back in 2017, ultimately leading to its cancellation the following year.

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It’s a pity, really, considering this is a Marvel property bursting at the seams with potential. Alas, the history books will tell you that the short-lived Inhumans series will go down as Marvel TV’s first real failure. There have been disappointments, sure (here’s looking at you, Iron Fist), but the eight-episode debut of Inhumans was torn to shreds by critics for its ham-fisted, melodramatic story and uninspired characters.

But with news that Marvel TV boss Jeph Loeb is stepping down from his position as part of a major shake-up, CBM is reporting today that Loeb spent an eye-watering $100,000 on VFX in a last-ditch attempt to fix Medusa’s wig.

The doomed Inhumans series will always be remembered as a costly misstep for Marvel, but few could’ve predicted that Loeb allocated $100,000 to fine-tune Medusa’s animated wig – assuming CBM’s report is true, of course.

As for what the future holds for Black Bolt and the remainder of the Inhumans, well, we aren’t quite sure. There have been rumblings that Marvel’s Powers That Be hope to reboot its godly characters further down the line, but only when Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has run its course.

Chalk this up as another MCU rumor, as there’ve even been reports flying around that Vin Diesel, he of Guardians of the Galaxy, is in line to replace Anson Mount as the booming Black Bolt. File that one in the rumor cabinet for now, but it’s looking increasingly likely that we haven’t seen the last of Inhumans. Or Medusa’s incredible hair.