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How many days does ‘Big Brother’ last, and will ‘BB25’ be any different?

A very long time to be constantly filmed!

Image via CBS

Everyone’s favorite long-running reality series Big Brother is back for its 25th season, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to watch along as yet another cast of polarizing housemates hustle, plot, and connive their way through the competition as cabin fever slowly sets in. We’ll be watching along, judging the villains, and cheering on our favorites from the comfort of our couches.

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As you’re all but certainly aware, one of the show’s primary gimmicks is the idea of isolating a large group of people inside the Big Brother house with no way out (lest they be removed from the game), all while cameras (and Big Brother) watch their every move. One can only begin to imagine the stress and self-consciousness that comes with being monitored 24/7 while isolated (think COVID-19 lockdowns, with your boss watching you around the clock) – so how long exactly do Big Brother’s housemates have to stay in the house?

How long is Big Brother 25?

Image via CBS

As revealed on BB25’s premiere episode on Aug. 2 by host Julie Chen Moonves, this season of Big Brother will last for a staggering 100 days. We’d imagine that even the steeliest and callused minds would start to crack, were they to spend over 25 percent of their year being monitored inside the Big Brother house. Not only do we tip our hats to this season’s housemates, but we can also expect all of the textbook drama and falling out the series provides year after year.

It also appears that 100 days is the expected standard for future seasons – with CBS’s official casting eligibility requirements stating that budding participants in the series must commit to that approximate number of days inside the Big Brother house in Los Angeles.

How long has Big Brother been in the past?

Image via CBS

Big Brother has always operated in the same general ballpark of days inside the house, plus or minus a week or two. The show’s debut season lasted for 88 days, while Big Brother 24 was even shorter, clocking in at 82. Seasons 18, 20, and 21 all lasted for 99 days, and were all tied for the longest season – until Big Brother 25, that is.