Arthur, the educational animated series centered around the titular anthropomorphized aardvark, sadly aired its final episode yesterday after a legendary 25-season run on PBS.
Today, the internet is collectively saying goodbye to the beloved characters that many have followed since childhood. Fans of the classic animation took to Twitter after viewing the final episode, and as you can see below, it’s a bittersweet feeling, with many admiring the characters’ journeys despite their profound sadness.
The New York Times’ official account even addressed the show’s finale, including an exclusive reaction from Marc Brown, the creator of Arthur. âI love seeing these reactions from these young adults who grew up with Arthur, the fact that these characters are still fresh in their minds. Itâs great that heâs touched so many people so deeply,” Brown said in his reflection.
Arthur consisted of 25 seasons, 253 episodes, and is officially the longest-running childrenâs animated series on television. The series primarily focused on its titular character Arthur Read, his sister D.W., their parents David and Jane, Baby Kate, and their dog, Pal. Several of Arthurâs friends and acquaintances were also a major focus in the show.
The good news is that this certainly is not the last that fans will hear of the memorable series. Nostalgia will surely live on as PBS will be producing new content well beyond 2022, including a podcast and timely-tackled video shorts celebrating the iconic series. Reruns of the flagship show will also be available to stream on PBS Kids.