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What To Expect From Marvel’s Netflix Series (And How They Can Make It Work)

Not too long ago, Marvel announced its intent to produce a total of five seasons of television for digital distribution through Netflix’s streaming platform. The series – to focus on established comics characters Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke ‘Power Man’ Cage and Jessica Jones before bringing the four together in a final fifth season titled The Defenders – are to debut in 2015 and run over the next few years. But you knew all that already, right?

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Not too long ago, Marvel announced its intent to produce a total of five seasons of television for digital distribution through Netflix’s streaming platform. The series – to focus on established comics characters Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke ‘Power Man’ Cage and Jessica Jones before bringing the four together in a final fifth season titled The Defenders – are to debut in 2015 and run over the next few years. But you knew all that already, right?

In case you’re curious about what to expect from these characters and the story potential inherent, we’ve compiled some biographies as well as an outline of what we think would make the series worth watching come 2015.