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Exclusive: Avery Konrad on Epix’s terrifying sci-fi series ‘From’

Avery Konrad, star of Epix's thrilling horror series 'FROM', shares insight with us into the gripping storyline and her character, Sara.

Image via Epix

Epix’s terrifying series From is a thrilling and spine-tingling drama about a town that holds its residents hostage. Once you stumble upon the would-be quaint village, you soon find that there’s no way out. Avery Konrad stars in the series as the multifaceted character named Sara. 

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Sara is the kind of character that grabs your attention from the first time you see her on-screen. You can tell something is bubbling under the surface, and her impact on the show grows as the episodes continue. In fact, she’s got a pretty big episode coming up this Sunday, and as she continues to grow and evolve, viewer interest peaks. 

If you’re not familiar with From, we’ve got the synopsis for you here:

“In a nightmarish town in middle America that traps everyone who enters, unwilling residents fight to stay alive and search for a way out. But they are plagued by the threats of the surrounding forest, including terrifying nocturnal creatures.”

If you’re already tuning in, or you’re soon to be a new fan, From has a gripping storyline that won’t release you once it’s got you in its grasp. We got the opportunity to chat with Konrad, who plays Sara in From, and she shared terrific perspectives and insight into the thrilling series. 

WGTC: Your Epix series From is quite terrifying and so well written — what initially drew you to the project?

Konrad: As a fan of Lost, I was invested right away to From. You said it best yourself! The show is so well written, and the breakdown was highly intriguing, as was the description of Sara. Having a show like this come through is rare, and I’m still pinching myself that I had the opportunity to play a character like Sara.

What three words would you use to entice potential viewers to watch From?

Konrad: Expect the unexpected 

The series focuses heavily on being safe and the lengths people will go to protect themselves and their loved ones. While some terror is unmistakable — like the creatures at night, there’s an uneasy sense of dread in the day-to-day lives of the townspeople, too. What was it like juggling such apparent fear alongside the feeling of dread that comes from living in such a spine-chilling town?

Konrad: It’s apparent in every character you see on From how normal they are trying to make this nightmare. Trying to live their day-to-day as “normal” as possible is kind of impossible. You can feel and see the weight of that constant struggle. Juggling that fear is what makes the show’s tone so interesting to watch and see how everyone deals with it in a unique way to them and their storyline.  

There are two very different sides within the inescapable town, namely between the township and Colony House. We know Sara is within the township; do you believe that’s a choice she made or a choice that someone made for her? 

Konrad: This is a fascinating question! I believe the town was the best choice for her and Nathan. Whether that was her decision, she made it for herself or not. Knowing Sara as well as I do — I think it was the best place for her.

Following up — would you choose the township or the Colony House if you were stuck there?

Konrad: Part of me thinks I would thrive in Colony House, but I would be lying to myself; I’m too regimented and need plans and order. The town would be my final answer.

Sara has carried a lot of weight from what we’ve seen so far, and she’s been tasked with some “heavy” and quite uncomfortable duties. Of course, without giving too much away — what was it like bringing such a multifaceted character to life? 

Konrad: It was very fulfilling, to say the least. Having the trust and support of John, Jack, and Jeff throughout the season really helped a lot. My focus was on her internal struggle. She’s constantly fighting something much bigger than her. I’m dropping myself into circumstances, coming from a place of truth, and just bringing what was already crafted so wonderfully on the page to life.

You’re no stranger to the horror/thriller genre; what is it about the genre that draws you in? What character have you learned the most from playing so far?

Konrad: What I like about this genre is the extreme circumstances the characters have to deal with. I find it challenging and like finding humanity in some inhumane situations. I have learned the most from Sara on From, without a doubt. 

At the end of the series, what do you hope viewers take away from watching your portrayal of Sara?

Konrad: I don’t like putting ideas onto the viewers. Whatever people interpret Sara as is entirely up to them and their own experience of watching From; that’s what makes the show so cool to watch!  

Konrad has also starred in Van Helsing, Broil, and Heart of Dance and has a guest spot most recently in The Good Doctor. You can watch Konrad and find out what’s next for her character Sara, in From, streaming on Epix now with new episodes added weekly on Sunday.