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Disney drops some ‘Truth’ in the new Moon Knight promo

The latest Moon Knight promo trailer from Disney Plus offers some interesting hints about the next episode

Image via Disney Plus/Marvel Studios

“This is the beginning,” Arthur Harrow intones at the start of Disney’s newest Moon Knight promo trailer. And though we’re already two episodes deep into the six-episode run of Disney’s bizarre new Marvel superhero series, it’s safe to say that the ending of episode two definitely heralds a new beginning of sorts; for the show’s setting, its titular hero, and most importantly, for his alter ego, Marc Spector.

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Warning; some mild spoilers for Moon Knight episode two follow below.

The promo, which is only 15 seconds long, features two lightning-fast, blink-and-you’ll-miss them, never-before-seen sequences, presumably from next week’s episode. We see Moon Knight himself, in full lunar garb, in combat with a hard-to-make-out foe, as they leap across the bricks of a crumbling ruin. Given last week’s reveal — that Marc has traveled to Egypt, his Steven Grant persona involuntarily in tow, it’s awfully likely that the ruin in question is that of an ancient pyramid. Perhaps even that of the Great Pyramid of Khufu itself. Earlier promos have featured numerous scenes showing Moon Knight, Grant/Spector, Layla, and Harrow in what seem to be ancient Egyptian temples, so a prominently-featured pyramid might be a clue to where we can expect some of those sequences to take place in episode three.

The other major reveal of the promo is a scene in which the Steven Grant persona appears in the sterile white hallway of what seems to be a hospital, or some other sort of institution. Grant/Spector has found himself in mental health facilities in several of the volumes of the Moon Knight comics series, so it’s likely that we could find him committed to one, in either a flashback, or a hallucination. Jeff Lemire’s writing of the character during his run on the comic featured Spector finding himself in a hospital, where a psychiatrist attempted to convince him that he was not — and had never been — Moon Knight, but was in fact suffering a delusion. The psychiatrist later turned out to be an avatar of Ammit, which would certainly fit into the facts of the current series. Can we expect Grant to wake up in a psychiatric hospital at the end of next episode?

As always, we’ll have to wait until Wednesday to get any answers. The new episode of Moon Knight will air on April 13 on Disney Plus.