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DC TV Roundup: A Week Marked By Returns

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

2) Prometheus Makes His (Or Her?) Move

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It’s arguable that the best villains are those who possess the ability to tear a hero’s life asunder and that’s exactly what Prometheus did this week on the midseason finale of Arrow.

After first delivering a brutal beatdown that sent Curtis Holt to the hospital, season 5’s big bad sent Green Arrow on one of the most violent scavenger hunts we’ve ever seen. Blending past and present with some perfectly executed editing techniques, viewers were sent on a high-octane ride as Prometheus’ motivations were detailed along with showing how Oliver Queen’s brutal methods at the start of his vigilante career have come back to haunt him in kind.

With the lives of several members of Team Arrow now in shambles, it comes as only a minor disappointment that the identity of Prometheus has yet to be revealed. But we did get a nice consolation prize from the producers near the end of the episode when it was subtly hinted that Susan Williams, Oliver’s current girlfriend and my top suspect for a while now, is under the mask. Should she not be, it’s a solid bet that she’s in collusion with the antagonist at the very least, which ultimately won’t help our hero with his trust issues.