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DC TV Roundup: A Week Marked By Returns

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

3) In The Name Of The Future

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So much happened involving Savitar on the midseason finale of The Flash that it may take us until the show’s January 24 return to process it all. In short, Barry Allen is, like, so totally screwed.

Not only did we learn that Alchemy is a product of the God of Speed hijacking Julian Albert’s consciousness, but the Demigod also played tricks on Cisco Ramon, invoking the dead brother card that will continue to cause his relationship with Barry to be strained.

But perhaps the biggest bomb to be dropped was that Savitar’s wrath was incurred due to something Barry did to him in the future and, on that note, the Scarlet Speedster found himself flung five months from now to witness his newest nemesis delivering the deathblow to his beloved Iris West. This perpetuates the whole Flashpoint conundrum causing us to wonder if this would have even happened if Barry had he not altered the timeline.

There is hope, however, as Jay Garrick offered some reassurance when he pretty much riffed on Terminator’s “no fate but what we make” adage. The very possibility that Iris’ fate isn’t set in stone adds an extra measure of excitement to the back 14 episodes of season 3 and is sure to keep us glued to our sets.