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DC TV Roundup: An Alien Apokolips & Prometheus’ Identity Revealed?

While Marvel and DC battle to see who wins at the box office, it’s virtually inarguable that it's the latter who dominates the small screen. Now having taken over four nights of the week when it comes to prime time programming, serialized superhero storytelling has swiftly become a cornerstone in the lives of many a geek these days.

2) An Alien Apokolips?

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We swear to you this one isn’t reaching too much, so please hear us out because it demands a closer look.

By now, you’re well aware that the sinister group known as Cadmus has been giving Supergirl headaches on a weekly basis. Their latest exploit saw them place alien technology in the hands of street thugs who seemed like a precursor to Intergang. Comic book readers know said gang to have ties to Apokolips, a planet that happens to be ruled by none other than Darkseid.

Cadmus, led by the mother of Lena Luthor, had the intention of arming the aforementioned thugs in hopes of pushing public perception toward their xenophobic agenda. What’s more intriguing is that the Luthor matriarch’s reasoning was an impending “alien apocalypse” humanity needed to ready itself for.


What we need to wonder about was whether she meant to spell that “apocalypse” or “Apokolips,” possibly building toward season 3’s threat. Let’s not forget that Pam Grier’s Amanda Waller made the same proclamation in Smallville season 9, heralding the coming of Darkseid in season 10.

But even with red tape between WB’s motion picture and film divisions being thinner than ever, we must wonder if they would go for something like this with it possibly stepping on the toes of the movies. Yes, we now have two distinctly different Supermen on screens big and small, but Justice League will arrive in theaters when Supergirl is knee deep in its third season that we assume it will be renewed for. Either way, it leaves a lot to ponder over the course of the next year.