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David Fincher Might Just Direct Utopia, Along With All That Other Stuff

There is a really good TV show on in the UK called Utopia. It's better than that pile utter shit of Doctor Who - it's about a small group of people who each come across a mysterious graphic novel. From thence, conspiracy hijinks ensue. It's been successful in the UK, garnering solid ratings despite its placement in the schedules and somewhat controversial (not really) content.


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There is a really good TV show on in the UK called Utopia. The series is even better than that pile of pants Doctor Who – unthinkable, right? It’s about a small group of people who each come across a mysterious graphic novel and from thence, conspiracy hijinks ensue. It’s been successful in the UK, garnering solid ratings despite its placement in the schedules and somewhat controversial (not really) content.

Well, lucky American readers may get a great chance to see a localised version of the show, without those pesky English accents interfering with your enjoyment. HBO bought the rights to Utopia and, in an interview at the Série Series festival, director Marc Munden and producer Rebekah Wray-Rogers revealed that David Fincher is interested in directing it.

If this is truly the best of all possible worlds, then this could be Fight Club: The TV Show. With less nebulous identities and more conspiracies. If this turns out like Heroes, all shit and no shadowy government organisations, then a nation as one will rise and Occupy the HBO offices.

It goes without saying that none of this is definite. In fact, you’ll probably never hear anything about the project again, this solitary pathetic news item turning up whenever you wistfully type “Utopia” into your search bar. We should cross our collective fingers and toes to ward against that though because in the world of Hollywood, we need all the luck we can get.

David Fincher has a lot on his plate as it is, what with his executive producing of House of Cards (second season on the way). That too was an adaptation of a UK TV show, but from 1990, so he does have form in this area. The two shows are nothing alike, however – don’t let an early 90’s UK political drama put you off, it’s just not worth it. He’s also remaking 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, which Brad Pitt recently turned down, an adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s novel Gone Girl, and that long-gestating sequel to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

All that aside, one thing is for certain – if he gathers his focus and pulls off this Utopia remake, it could be brilliant.